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Meet the Alumnae Council
The WITS/Maalot Alumnae Association, under the guidance of Rebbetzin Rosenbaum, is committed to nurturing a lifelong community offering chizuk and resources for alumnae so they can continue to thrive as frum women in both their personal and professional lives.

Executive Committee
Oriana Kelemer '15, President
Loni (Jacob) Goldman '04, Vice President
Shira (Beleck) Heideman '11, Operational Director
Yakira (Green) Price '20, Treasurer
Council Members
Hadassah (Gholian) Feldman '10
Malka (Motzen) Kravitz '21 - Data Analyst Chair
Sarah (Rosensaft) Mutterperl ‘12 - Business Chair
Adina (Levitan) Rabinowitz - Health Science/Therapy Chair
Yaffa (Elefant) Stern '15
Yael Weiss '15 - Computer Science Chair
Yael Zimberg '19 - Education Chair
Apply to join the Alumnae Council or volunteer on a committee
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