Shani (Rosenberg) Fox '11
Teacher and Community Builder
Shani has used her background and education provided by WITS/Maalot to contribute to the burgeoning community in which she was raised. Shani is a 5th Grade Morah at the local, Dallas, TX, elementary school who is much loved by her students and faculty/administration. She also speaks often at the Dallas night tehillim group.
Shani and her husband Shaya Fox were instrumental in bringing a new in-reach Kollel branch to the Dallas Kollel, DATA, along with hiring new staff for the Israeli branch and YJP (Young Jewish Professionals) and sustaining its programming. She learns individually with both children and adults, is a Kallah teacher, does countless meal preps for those in need and is a welcome ear for many in the community.
She is an amazing asset to her Dallas community!
“WITS/Maalot was better than my seminary year. I got to learn from people who were living the real life, in a practical way. I still reference so many of my classes all the time.”