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BA in Communication Sciences and Disorders




The Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences and Disorders is designed for students who seek a solid foundation in speech-language pathology and audiology combined with a liberal arts education and high-level Jewish Studies coursework. The program provides the courses required for admission to graduate programs in speech-language pathology and audiology, as well as the courses required for American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) certification.  The program also provides a foundation for students wishing to go into other related fields like education and healthcare. Further, graduates will receive a strong foundation in Jewish studies and ethics that will help them succeed in their future personal and professional lives and enable them to bring the richness of Jewish tradition into their work.


The program goals for the Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences and Disorders are designed to ensure graduates are prepared for professional positions in the field of communication sciences and disorders, speech-language pathology, or audiology, as well as for graduate study pertaining to speech-language.   


​Program Goals

Upon completion of the Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences and Disorders, graduates will demonstrate the ability to:

  • Describe and compare fundamental knowledge of human communication, communication development, and the nature of communication disorders across the lifespan.

  • Apply ethical and critical thinking skills, including cultural competence for diverse populations within and beyond the Jewish community, as related to communication disorders and differences.

  • Employ effective skills of all forms of expressive communication including written, spoken, and nonverbal communication, across diverse audiences and settings.

  • Explain various methods and modalities for the assessment, analysis, and treatment of communication disorders.

  • Apply a broad-based foundation in the sciences and humanities, including quantitative analysis, technology, and research, through the lens of CSD research and clinical practice.

  • Evaluate clinical research and evidence-based practice in the area of CSD and related disciplines.

  • Explain interprofessional collaboration and its role in CSD research and practice.

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Degree Requirements

The program of study for the Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences and Disorders consists of 120 credits as follows:


I. General Education Requirements   60 credits
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A. Requires completion of STA 201 within the general education requirements:

STA 201         Introduction to Statistics (3 credits)
Develops an understanding of statistical methodology and use of critical judgment in analyzing data sets. Includes descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency, introduction to probability, both normal and binomial distributions, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, linear regression, and correlation. Emphasizes developing the practical skills of interpreting and reporting descriptive and inferential univariate and bivariate statistical information.
Prerequisite(s): None

B. Requires completion of a biological science (BIO 101, BIO 103 or BIO 11) within the general education requirements:

BIO 101          Fundamentals of Biology (3 credits)

Explores fundamental biological principles as they apply to humans. Basic tenets of biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, and human physiology are addressed. Recommended for non-science majors. 
Prerequisite(s): None


BIO 103          Human Biology (3 credits)

Presents an overview of human anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Focuses on the overarching theme of homeostasis as it relates to human body systems in health and disease. Develops a working knowledge of the human organism designed to facilitate informed decision-making in health and disease. Recommended for non-science majors.

Prerequisite(s): None


BIO 110          Biology I: Molecular and Cells (4 credits)

Studies the major biological principles that encompass all living things. Introduces cell structure and function, physical and chemical properties of the cell, reproduction of the cell and organism, genetics, biochemistry, properties of energy and energy in chemical reactions, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration. The laboratory portion covers biology principles, as well as lab techniques and the process of scientific experimentation, experimental design, and analysis. Note: Credit may not be earned for both BIO 110 and BIO 109.

Prerequisite(s): None

II. Major Requirements   36 Credits

A. Requires the following 27 credits in Communication Sciences and Disorders courses:

CSD 222         Introduction to Communication Disorders (3 credits)

Introduces human communication disorders with a focus on the neuroanatomic, acoustic, biological, psychological, developmental, and linguistic principles underlying human communication disorders. Provides an overview of the field of speech-language pathology and audiology with an emphasis on the scientific aspects of clinical assessment and rehabilitation of clients.

Prerequisite(s): None

CSD 300         Clinical Methods and Observation in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (3 credits)
Develops students’ professional clinical skills while exploring the fields of communication sciences and disorders. Requires students to observe speech-language pathologists and audiologists providing clinical services to patients. Provides familiarity with various methods of clinical assessment and treatment, with an in-depth understanding of selection, treatment and maintenance of target behaviors. Build professional technical writing skills including health care writing topics and use of American Psychological Association Style. Explores professional journal articles and evidence-based practice. Discusses ASHA code of ethics and professional issues.

Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): CSD 222 (Introduction to Communications Disorders)


CSD 301         Speech and Hearing Science (3 credits)

Discusses acoustics, psychoacoustics, and instrumentation used in hearing and speech science and elements of speech production and perception. Includes anatomy and physiology relevant to understanding the speech and hearing mechanisms.

Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): CSD 222 (Introduction to Communication Disorders)


CSD 303         Audiology (3 credits)

Explores clinical audiology, along with the pathologies, etiologies, evaluation, and remediation of hearing impairment and loss. Discusses assessment and diagnosis of disorders, as well as current assistive and rehabilitative technology.

Prerequisite(s): CSD 301 (Speech and Hearing Science)

CSD 315         Normal Speech and Language Development (3 credits)

Examines theories of language development. Discusses language milestones, cognitive and sociological bases for development of language, and bilingualism. Covers language development from birth through adulthood and school-age literacy development.               

Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): CSD 222 (Introduction to Communication Disorders)


CSD 320         Language Disorders (3 credits)

Explores various language disorders in children from the pre-linguistic level through grade 12. Examines assessment strategies and procedures used to identify language disorders. Covers evidence-based intervention techniques, service delivery models, and interprofessional practice commonly used with pediatric language-disordered populations.

Prerequisite(s): CSD 315 (Normal Speech and Language Development)  


CSD 333         Anatomical and Physiological Bases of Speech (3 credits)

Introduces the anatomical and physiological bases of communication. Focuses on the respiratory, phonatory, articulatory, resonatory, and nervous systems, and the contributions of each system to spoken communication. Discusses anatomical structures involved in linguistic communication within the context of all the body systems involved in speech production.

Prerequisite(s): CSD 301 (Speech and Hearing Science)


CSD 400         Phonetics (3 credits)

Examines how to perceive, describe, categorize, and transcribe the speech sounds in American English. Prepares students to transcribe consonants and vowels, connected speech, and the spoken language of individuals with speech sound disorders. Explores variations in production including dialect and other differences.

Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): CSD 222 (Introduction to Communication Disorders)

CSD 402         Speech Sound Disorders (3 credits)

Covers disorders of speech sound production. Discusses biological, cognitive, linguistic, and ethnocultural systems influencing speech production, as well as contributing/causal factors, theories of acquisition, assessment, and treatment issues.

Formerly Disorders of Articulation and Phonology

Prerequisite(s): CSD 400 (Phonetics)

B. Requires an additional 6 credits in Communication Sciences and Disorders electives from the following:

CSD 255         Clinical Observation in Pediatric SLP Therapies (1-3 credits)

Offers an opportunity for students to explore the field of speech-language pathology by observing speech-language therapists working with children. Allows students to integrate theory and practice and engage in a team-based work environment. Involves students assisting the therapist with maintaining the therapy room and preparing materials for therapy while gaining exposure to the intended field of interest. Course allows for variable credit hours dependent upon clinical assignment and observation schedule. Requires a special application.

Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): Students must be enrolled in coursework in Communication Sciences and Disorders.

CSD 399         Aural Rehabilitation (3 credits)

Studies the management of adults and children who are deaf/hard of hearing with emphasis on psychosocial issues, counseling, amplification and assistive technology options, intervention and communication strategies.

Prerequisite(s): CSD 303 (Audiology)

CSD 430         Neurological Bases of Communication (3 credits)

Covers basic neurological aspects of the anatomy and physiology of speech, language, swallowing, and hearing development. Explores neuroanatomy, cellular physiology, and critical organization of the nervous system.

Prerequisite(s): CSD 333 (Anatomical and Physiological Bases of Speech)  


CSD 432         Introduction to Assessment in Communication Disorders (3 credits)

Introduces key assessment principles and concepts in the field of communication disorders as it applies across the age and disorder spectrum. Specific assessment tools and tests are discussed and practiced.

Prerequisite(s): CSD 303 (Audiology), CSD 320 (Language Disorders), CSD 402 (Speech Sound Disorders)

PSY 383          Survey of Exceptional Children (3 credits)

Introduces the concepts and principles of special education, and the academic, behavioral, and physical disabilities practitioners may encounter in the field. Discusses the construction and implementation of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Covers basic diagnostic procedures, interventions, and strategies for the inclusive classroom.

Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 (Introduction to Psychology)

C. Requires 3 credits in physics from the following:

PHY 100         Conceptual Physics (3 credits)

Introduces students to the core concepts of physics and physical science, such as gravity, motion, energy, momentum, and matter. Discusses the scientific method, both in the field and in the everyday world. This course is geared for non-science majors.

Prerequisite(s): None

PHY 101         Fundamentals of Physics (4 credits)

Covers the basic principles of physics. Introduces the concepts of Newtonian mechanics, kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, sound and heat applications. Geared to students entering science, health, and technology fields. Includes a lab component that provides a hands-on approach to physical phenomena. Experiments focus on core physics concepts of mechanics: force, motion, conservation laws, and oscillations.

Prerequisite(s): MAT 121 (College Algebra) or equivalent

III. Free Electives   24 Credits

The Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences and Disorders requires a total of 36 credits in Jewish studies. The required credits in Jewish studies may be completed as part of the humanities, general education elective or free elective requirements.


A minimum of 30 credits must be taken at WITS, of which at least 15 credits must be at the 300/400 level.


A double major in Judaic Studies or a minor in another discipline may be completed in conjunction with the Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences and Disorders.

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Women's Institute of Torah Seminary & College

6602 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21215

​Tel: 410-358-3144

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© Copyright 2023  |  WITS is a candidate institution and a member of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, accredited by the Association of Institutions of Jewish Studies, and approved by the Maryland Higher Education Commission as a degree granting institution of higher learning.

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