The 11th annual Women in the Workplace seminar, held this year on Lag Ba'Omer, was a resounding success! Delving into the opportunities and challenges that students may encounter in the professional world, this seminar provides students with chizuk and hadracha as they prepare to graduate, start graduate school, and/or enter the workplace. The event, emceed by Mrs. Rachel Neuberger, commenced with a delightful breakfast buffet. Esteemed speakers including Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Rabbi Ilan Feldman, and Mrs. Miri Yarmak shared their valuable insights and extensive expertise on the topic. Additionally, in accordance with the day, Rebbetzin Rosenbaum shared an inspiring Dvar Torah on Rachel, Eishes Rabbi Akiva. The program concluded with a delicious BBQ luncheon and a panel discussion featuring Rabbi and Rebbetzin Goldberger, Rabbi Ilan Feldman, Mrs. Aliza Sklare, and Mrs. Meira Simanowitz. Panelists addressed questions submitted by the students and offered answers infused with invaluable hashkafic and halachic guidance. WITS students departed feeling strengthened and prepared for what lies ahead.
Thank you to the Charles Crane Family Foundation for generously sponsoring this seminar.